Send us a message

You can contact us with anything related to our Products. We'll get in touch with you as soon as possible.


Find us at the office

Aruba: Oranjestad, Caya Ritmo 8.
Curacao: Industrial Park Brievengat Curacao, NA.
Puerto Rico: Morovis Industrial Park Morovis Norte.
USA, Florida: 1400 Reid Street Palatka, FL 32177.
USA, South California: 2218 Dawson Drive Chester, SC 29706.


Give us a ring

Aruba: +297-587-1600

Curacao: +5999-737-7811

Puerto Rico: +1787-862-1670

USA, Florida: 386-328-8488

USA, South CA: 803-581-6050


Legal Information

Softex Group
VAT · ARB1231241
IBAN · ARB8123ARB2300099123
Bank · Aruba